ORDERS: 508.226.1600 / FAX: 508.226.1666 miannebenchwork@gmail.com


Imagine your dream layout assembled and ready for trackwork, scenery, etc. in less time than it takes to get to the local lumber yard and back…




Do you have a track plan or a room size that doesn't seem to work with our kits? No problem! Almost half our business are layouts designed for an individual application. 


We stock the highest quality parts to fix or replace anything you would need to keep the trains rolling!


Percision carpentry and construction not your strong suit? No problem! Our patented benchwork design is incedibly easy to assemble and if you still run into issues we are always a phone call away to assist in anyway we can.


We know what time it takes to painstakingly plan, design, find the right accessories, acquire parts, experiment and assemble large-scale models. We would love to hear what you have in mind and how we can help!



There is no need to spend valuable hobby hours figuring, selecting and cutting materials.

You can assemble your own custom MIANNE bench in just minutes with only a screwdriver!

MIANNE Benchwork is an open grid style benchwork that uses solid hardwood legs combined with pre-fabricated I-Beams for the ultimate in strength, stability, light weight and versitility not found in other types of benchwork. You can assemble your own custom layout in minutes using just a screwdriver and a pair of pliers. I-beams lock to legs with 1/2 turn of a screwdriver and the entire layout can be leveled in minutes using the built in leveling system. 

Even large complicated layouts can be assembled in less than an evening. MIANNE is not a modular system but rather a combination of seperate pieces that can be assembled in an unlimited number of configurations. Your only limit is your imagination and your layout area. benchwork. 

MIANNE Benchwork is available in complete kits from starter sizes to kits that would fill a basement. Additional benchwork can be added at any time by combining kits, buying extension kits or just adding individual pieces where needed. At MIANNE we use only the best quality hardwoods and steel hardware for a lifetime of enjoyment and reliability.

When you consider the quality of components, ease of assembly, the ability to change your layout without disposing of old pieces and buying new, and not having to buy or use any power tools it's easy to see why MIANNE

Upcoming Show Alert

Come visit us at the Amherst Railway Society Railroad Hobby Show
January 25 & 26, 2025
At the Eastern States Exposition
In West Springfield, MA

We will be at LOCATION 15 In the Better Living Center Building